A bodybuilder lifting heavy weights

David Stevens

My name is David Stevens, and I am the founder of Pinnacle Total Fitness. I decided to become an expert in health and fitness after having spent years being that person who wanted desperately to lose weight, gain lean muscle and feel good about themselves. I’ve been on every diet under the sun, and my weight fluctuated massively with no sustainable results. Now, having emerged to the other side and achieved my personal fitness goals, I want to use my skills, my experience and my own journey to help others. I care about my clients, and there’s nothing more important to me than helping somebody go through an experience that makes them happy, confident and strong, I know how being overweight and in poor health affects your whole life, and I want to be there for those who want to bring about change. I want to help you discover the benefits of living a healthier lifestyle that have helped me become the person I am today, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way. I understand that life can be hectic and it’s often tough to find time to work out and eat healthy. I’ve been there myself, and I’ve made every excuse possible. Now, I’ve used my experiences to design a program that is manageable, enjoyable and proven to work for everyone no matter your genetics or fitness background. I have been in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years now, and in that time, I’ve worked with more than 1000 of hopeful clients providing a wide range of fitness training programs that are tailored to suit each clients personal needs. You are so special! And I would love the opportunity to help you discover YOUR peak potential!

Jim Whited, APRN-BC

Hello I’m Jim Whited, APRN-BC. As a former Corpsman in the United States Navy, I learned that I had a true passion for helping others through their most troubling experiences possible. This motivated me to further my experience and education and I achieved my Nurse Practitioner credentials specializing in Hormone Replacement Therapy and Medical Weight Loss. It brings me great joy to create and implement proven weight loss strategies that truly change the lives of my valued patients. There has been no greater joy for me than to experience the life-changing results that my amazing clients have received as a result of their hard work and dedication in following my programs. It takes hard work. Fitness is like a marriage; you can’t cheat on it and expect it to work. It doesn’t happen overnight and consistency is definitely the key. Slow and steady wins the race! Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out relentlessly. Great results never come from remaining in your comfort zone, but I am here to help guide you and motivate you into the greatness that you deserve!

A healthcare professional wearing a red scrub suit